Chinese Knotting Bibliography
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The Art of Chinese and Western Knotting
- ISBN 962-15-0234-9
Printed and published in Hong Kong, the text is in both English and
Chinese, although all of the publishing info is in Chinese.
Another basic book, but with some fairly interesting 3D
projects including a giraffe. 8)
Bilingual Chinese and English.
Chinese Knotting
- Lydia Chen
Published by Echo Craft Books
Echo Communications
5-2, Pa Teh Road, Sec. 4, Lane 72, Alley 16, Taipei, Taiwan,
ROC, Tel: (02) 7631452-5
North and South American Distributor: Charles
E. Tuttle Co, Post Office Drawer F, Rutland, Vermont,
USA, 05701, Tel: (802) 773-8930
Taiwan, ROC, 1981
ISBN 0-8048-1389-2
A beginner's book with both individual knot instructions as
well as assembly ideas.
Chinese and English versions available.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
Note: it looks like this book is
being reprinted (odd since the black version doesn't seem to
have gone out of print), but since May 2003, you can get this
pink version (still in hardcover according to Amazon, but in
softcover in July vs May according to Barnes & Noble using the
same ISBN. All the cover images are from CK1):
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,
Chinese Knotting 2
- (sequel to the above book, I'm just going to assume that
all the contact info (at least in Taiwan) is the same)
ISBN 957-588-000-5
Mostly a project/demonstration type book with examples ranging
from key chains to inspiration for stenciling. There are
only a few new knots including some more woven type knots.
Being able to actually read the text would be nice, but is by
no means necessary in order to make good use of the book.
In Chinese.
Fun with Chinese Knotting: Making Your Own
Fashion Accessories and Accents
- Also published by Tuttle,
the contact information should be the same.
ISBN-10: 0804836787
ISBN-13: 978-0804836784
Published mid-2007.
A translation of Chinese Knotting 2, the
contents are identical down to the illustrations ('80's
fashions!). A section about variations on embellishing the
knots is made much clearer and more useful when you can read
the text.
Tuttle offers a 30% discount for web-shoppers.
In English.
Barnes & Noble,,
Chinese Knotting 3
- (third in the series)
ISBN 957-588-459-0
If the last book didn't have enough new knots, this book more
than makes up for it. Ms. Chen has clearly spent a lot of
time categorizing and pondering the knots and how the "core"
knots might be varied to make new ones. In this volume she
shows us the wonderful results with 16 variations of the
flower knot alone. The book begins
with what looks like the Chinese version of the
history of Chinese knotting that was published in The History and Science of Knots and
ends with some examples of the new knots in use in a variety
of materials.
In Chinese.
- The Complete Book of Chinese Knotting: A
Compendium of Techniques and Variations
- ISBN-10: 0804836795
ISBN-13: 978-0804836791
This is the English translation of Chinese
Knotting 3. This book takes the basic 11 knots and
expands them to 14 (the constellation knot!) and then explores
the possible variations of them. There are 56 new knots
according to the promotional blurb on the back of the book.
The translation is flawed. Get it anyways. The original
Chinese version is out of print and this new version is a heck
of a lot easier to get and the material contained within is
still groundbreaking and completely inspiring if you've not
seen it before.
Remember: outer loop is, in fact, inner
loop, and compound looks like it should be
complex instead
A longer review.
In English.
The Bonding of the Chinese Knot
- Lydia Hsia-Sheng Chen (trans. Christopher M. Fruean)
ISBN 957-9319-03-0
I can't suss out any of the publication info that I haven't
presented above, however, there is a forward by the director
of the National Palace Museum (Taiwan) where I bought the
book, and artworks that are displayed at the Museum are
referenced in the book...
This is a tri-lingual book (Chinese, English, and
Japanese. I'm sure the Japanese translator's name is properly
given credit, but I can't read it) with no instruction in it,
just designs and inspirations. As a result of most of the
inspirations being paintings, the works are fairly uniformly
flat, not unlike quilling pieces.
Classical Chinese Knotting
- Writer/Publisher: Chiou, Young-Chang
No. 83 San Min Road, Tai-Chung City, Taiwan, 400, ROC, Tel:
ROC, 1983
An especially clear and well illustrated book with slightly
more complicated projects than the other introductory books.
It also seems to be(?)/have a catalog in the back for "Clever
Arts" which will sell you all the supplies for all the projects
in the book, in pre-packaged packets, no less 8). The Clever
Arts contact info has the same phone number as the
writer/publisher, so I'd guess that it has the same address as
well, although there is a small map in the book (in case you're
in town 8).
In Chinese.
Classical Oriental Knotting II
- (Sequel with slight title change to the Classical Chinese
Knotting book. There is also a survey in this book
asking what you want to see in a third book that they have
This installment focuses more on the two-sided woven knots,
with many exercises for the reader.
In Chinese.
The Book of Decorative Knots
- Peter Owen
For a book with such nice clear illustrations it is remarkably
hard to follow (for me, at least). I think that this is
because the illustrator shows both ends of the string being
worked into the knot at the same time.
In English.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
The Book of Ornamental Knots
- John J. Hensel
Published by Cornell Maritime Press
Centreville, Maryland 21617
USA, 1973, 1990
ISBN 0-87033-410-7
A heavily macrame flavoured book consisting almost entirely of flat
In English.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
Chinese Knotting Arts
- ISBN 957-8507-02-X
I first saw this book over 20 years ago in Taiwan when I was
first introduced to the art. At that time I was only
interested in buying one book (how times have changed! 8) and
I judged the best one to be Classical
Chinese Knotting. So when I saw this one recently I
snapped it up for nostalgia's sake. It is a basic knot book
that shades into some fairly involved projects (eg. really big
mystic knots). The book has not been updated in any way, so
you can see the models with their fashionable 20 years ago
clothing and hair.
In Chinese.
Chinese Knotting: Introduction
- ISBN 7-5341-1536-1
About one knot per project is covered, but the projects are
very nice and if you don't mind not having your hands held it
is a pretty book. Despite the title, however, you definitely
wouldn't want to make this your introduction to Chinese
knotting without a healthy dose of hubris and a very
independent spirit.
In Chinese.
Chinese Knotting: A Next Step
- ISBN 7-5341-1564-7
Like the other book in this series,
this book is light on the instructions but good for
inspiration. While the title indicates that this is a more
advanced step in Chinese knotting, the knots shown are
probably easier, although there are fewer instructions, and
the projects are not much simpler.
In Chinese.
The Complete Book of Decorative Knots
- Geoffrey Budworth
Sequel to The Complete Book of
Knots, this book also follows the same general design of
clear line drawing illustrations and the occasional photo.
The highlights include some nifty globe knots and general
extensible instructions on turks head knots.
In English.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
- ISBN 957-779-027-5
Labelled DIY which I take to mean "Do It Yourself", this
line of short books is clearly illustrated with photographs in
most cases and the occasional line drawing. As with the
Clever Arts Classical books, these
books contain (brief) parts that are obviously catalogs for a
Chinese knotting supplies vendor.
The highlight of book one is the variations on flower knot embellishments.
In Chinese.
- ISBN 957-779-030-5
Book two is mostly illustrated by line drawings versus
photographs and is composed of some fairly standard pendant
patterns that you will also find in other basic books.
In Chinese.
- DIY 3
- Book three is about gift wrapping so I don't have a
In Chinese.
- ISBN 957-779-040-2
The highlights of book four are the instructions and
embellishment variations on the woven knot, plus some snazzy
dragon and phoenix patterns.
In Chinese.
- ISBN 957-98304-4-4
After book four, this line of books
changes slightly. Of course, the fact that I purchased them
in San Francisco Chinatown versus Taiwan might have something
to do with it (although they are still in Chinese). In any
case, the style is obviously the same, some of the
instructions are repeated and the previous books are
advertised inside, but the DIY labelling is gone from the
cover. The highlights of book six are more cool
variations on the woven knot, plus a simple but effective
"bezel set my bead in string" technique (which you can see on
the cover illustration).
In Chinese.
DIY 10
- ISBN 957-98304-2-0
Labelled #1 in a few places and #10 in others, I am going with
10. This volume mostly illustrates the use of braiding and
simple knotting for creating bracelets, belts and
In Chinese.
DIY 12
- ISBN 957-779-087-9
Mostly a basic knot book (although can it be called that
without the double-connection or double coin knots?) with the
first instance of instructions for a few of the bao knots
actually illustrated.
In Chinese.
DIY 16
- ISBN 957-98167-8-6
Sometime after the DIY was dropped, they added the "China's
Kont" [sic] label (at least both book 16 and 17 have this label). This installment is
mostly sculptural pieces (animals and plants, but with a
Chinese twist) that you often found in old macrame booklets.
The highlight for me is the photo (no instructions!) of a very
interesting dragon.
In Chinese.
DIY 17
- ISBN 957-98167-6-X
This installment is also mostly sculptural pieces. The
designs are more elaborate than those in book
16, so line drawing patterns have replaced the step by
step photo instructions.
In Chinese.
DIY 20: Test Book (??)
- ISBN 957-779-090-9
On the larger side of the DIY series, but numbered (seemingly)
in sequence with the small ones, this installment has
no instructions. It is a catalog of individual knots
(and a few tassel styles). The back clearly has some forms to
fill out and contact info for a CHCA (an English acronym, but
only Chinese characters to tell us what it all means). I
surmise it to be either a lesson or a test plan for mastery of
Chinese knotting (and you'd definately be a Master if you
could do all the listed knots without instructions!).
In Chinese.
DIY 21: China's Kont & Flowers (sic)
- ISBN 957-779-102-6
On the larger side of the DIY series, but numbered (seemingly)
in sequence with the small ones, this installment is all about
flowers (ok, there's a corn on the cob and some gourds in the
back, but the instructions are all about flowers). The cover
image pretty much shows the variety of flowers that will be
shown in the book.
In Chinese.
DIY 23
- ISBN 957-8207-05-0
Covering a standard complement of beginner's knots used in
"traditional" projects, there is nothing particularly
distinguished or noteworthy about this volume.
In Chinese.
DIY 28
- ISBN 957-8207-13-1
The instructions are all about flowers. A number of
half-hitched (like you use to make friendship bracelets)
petals and leaves are covered in addition to a mat-style
flower and a crocheted flower.
In Chinese.
DIY 51: China's knot & precious stones
- ISBN 957-8207-33-6
On the larger side of the DIY series, but numbered (seemingly)
in sequence with the small ones, this installment is mostly
for the inspiration. There are lots of pretty pictures, and a
handful of basic knot instructions in the back (no project
instructions). As may be deduced from the title and cover
image, the works mainly feature semi-precious beads and
In Chinese.
DIY 65: Chinese knots and beads
- ISBN 957-8207-50-6
There were 2 distinct covers for this book on the shelf when I
was shopping. The contents were identical, except one had a
picture of the author(?) and the other didn't. I picked the
one that I felt had the better print quality/image
reproduction which as it turns out was not the one with the
author picture in it. At this point I no longer remember if
it was a different DIY number (I believe the bead series is
numbered independently from the general handcraft series) or
if it was a different publisher altogether.
In any case, there are some knot instructions here, but it is
not a basic knot book. Most of the instruction space is spent
on finishing details: how to hide the ends, finish your knot
so that it can serve as an element in a beaded work. There is
also some thread path stuff, but it is not a basic bead
instruction book either.
In Chinese.
DIY 66
- ISBN 957-8207-48-4
An unusual array of projects are covered including a dragon
boat, some half-hitched sculptural projects, some ball
covering knots and a number of Xmas wall-hangings.
In Chinese.
DIY Deluxe 1
- ISBN 957-779-072-0
I think of it as DIY Deluxe, but haven't expended the energy
to actually translate the title or to get a translation. It
is clearly related to the DIY series since several volumes are
advertised in the dust-cover, although the book is much larger
than the standard DIY series books. Many intriguing ideas are
illustrated without instruction. The instructions begin with
a few circular mats then moves on to the simple woven knot.
The basic rectancular woven knot is soon modified into many
fanciful shapes including hexagonal, triangular, and
tear-drop. The end of the book includes many project
illustrations with sketchy instructions for a few of them,
including teapots, lanterns, and slippers.
In Chinese.
DIY Deluxe 2
- ISBN 957-779-079-8
Many new knot variations involving interlacing two knots and
"growing" standard knots by expanding a finished knot and
weaving a new stable configuration.
In Chinese.
DIY Deluxe 3
- ISBN 957-779-100-X
The instructions begin with a few more interlaced knots, then
moves on to what appears to be basically a free form method of
tying knots into any desired frame shape. The examples given
are eye, heart, triangular and square shapes. The book ends
with vague instructions for some pendant projects, and
inspirational illustrations of elaborate knotted sculptures
including lobsters, pagodas and windmills.
In Chinese.
Hanamusubi: Traditional Japanese
- ISBN 4-7636-2080-0
Japanese design sensibilities being what they are, the knots
described in this book tend to be very simple single knot
designs (for tying tea sacks) with a few knot chains for wall
hangings and as part of a monk's costume.
Bilingual Japanese and
Hanamusubi Hand (Craft ?)
- Aiko Matsuda
ISBN 4-8170-8039-6
A basic book with instructions for knots and many small
projects: pendants, keychains, small ornaments.
In Japanese.
Buy this book from
Hanamusubi NHK
- Shoen Hashida
ISBN 4-14-031025-1
A basic book with instructions for knots and a few small
NHK is a television station in Japan. A friend visiting Japan
mentioned that news magazines and variety shows didn't seem to
do a number of stories during their time on the air. Instead
they focused on one topic for half an hour and while he was
there, he saw a show about decorative knotting. This is
probably the book that goes with that show. If
someone has this (or similar 8) on tape, I would very much
like a copy.
In Japanese.
Buy this book from
Hemp Jewelry
- One of the nicer basic hemp booklets. Mostly chokers,
necklaces and bracelets.
In English.
Buy this book from,
Barnes & Noble,
Hemp Masters: Ancient Hippie Secrets for
Knotting Hip Hemp Jewelry
- Matt Lunger
ISBN 0943604575
A neat book about hemp jewelry. The "Phish bone" knot is
worth the price of the book alone.
In English.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,
Introducing Traditional Chinese Knotting
- Rio Lee
ISBN 1058960-7 (?)
A small, just above pamphlet, sized book that nonetheless has some
very keen things in it like how to make a double or triple
sized button knot. A convenient size for carrying around in
case you need occasional reminders of the basic knots. I have
found it in just about any Chinatown that I've visited that has
any kind of bookstore. There is pretty much no English except
for the book title (which is why I can't extract more
publishing info ... 8(
In Chinese.
Knots and Braids
- Etsuko Matsushita
ISBN 4-8377-0596-0
A gorgeous book that demonstrates some of the possibilities
when you combine kumihimo and
knotting. When the type of string is wonderfully
textured, even the simplest knots seem more elaborate. It is
a very dangerous book that is leading me down a long path that
includes raw silk and fibre dyes.
In Japanese.
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Knots: Useful & Ornamental
- George Russel Shaw
ISBN 0-517-460009
Published in 1924, this volume is packed with hand-drawn
illustrations. It covers a generic collection of useful knots
and then wanders into interesting territory via macrame and
tatting. The illustrations are quite clear with the added
benefit of variations on how to tie the knots.
Other noteworthy features include descriptions of how to tie
larger (more petals/ears) variations of basic knots and a few
knots I don't remember seeing elsewhere.
In English.
Knotted String Methods
- ISBN 7-5359-2004-7
With coverage of most of the basic knots in a small and cheap
package, this is a good one to carry around if you need the
occasional reminder while working on a project.
In Chinese.
Traditional Korean Knot
- ISBN ??
There's no bar code or ISBN info that I could find anywhere in
the book, but there is some publishing information glued into
the book with an extra piece of paper:
Publisher: Hollym International Corp., 18 Donald Place,
Elizabeth, NJ 07208.
There are also some dates which I guess to be printing dates:
June 15, 1981 and February 20, 1989.
I've been looking for Maedup books for years without
any luck until I chanced upon this book being offered for
sale, used at a weavers show, of all things. I wanted to jump
up and down squealing like a teenager, but restrained myself
and simply snatched up the book and purchased it before
someone else could. 8)
The instructions cover only the most basic knots with one
exception, although some of the knots shown are fairly
advanced. An interesting notation method is introduced for
mapping projects, but the real prize is the number of tassel
variations as well as the demonstration of Korean aesthetics
in colour, cord type, and project design.
In Korean.
Satin Macrame
- ISBN 962-231-846-0
A small handful of Chinese knots are introduced and used, but
the projects mostly consist of macrame done in satin cord,
producing a very different look than the usual hemp.
In Chinese.
The Treasure Knot
- ISBN 957-8951-58-2
A gorgeous book that takes/(introduces ?) the treasure (bao) knot and shows a myriad of
extensions and variations. Instructions are contained in an
inserted leaflet with a few line drawings and some extremely
terse text.
See the link for an extended review of "The
Treasure Knot" book.
In Chinese.
Zhongguo Jie Yi
- ISBN 7-5019-2773-1
With instructions for only 5 knots, this book is mostly a
project/idea book. There is some small amount of sequencing
for the projects (a small series of photos of various projects
under construction), so unless you know what you are doing for
the most part, this will not be much help.
There's a website
listed in the front for more info.
In Chinese.
Zhongguo Jie
- ISBN 7-5019-2974-2
With images (including the cover) and instructions (finishing
and some tassel details, some project sketches) taken directly
from Classical Oriental Knotting II,
is it a reprint (although, not of the entire contents)? Is it
and update? Is it an unabashed case of plagiarism? Is it the
best you can do if COKII is out of print? There are a few
other images that I recognize from other books I have, and a
few that I didn't when I bought it, but then maybe
everything's all properly licensed and paid for...
There's a website
listed in the back for more info.
In Chinese.
The following books are all in English.
The Ashley Book of Knots
- Clifford W. Ashley
Published by Doubleday
666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, 10103
USA, 1944
ISBN 0-385-04025-3
A huge tome of knots and just about anything else you can do
with string. Generally considered to be the
definitive knot reference book
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
The Complete Book of Knots
- Geoffrey Budworth
Clearly illustrated with line drawings of the process and
photos of the results, this book is a collection of common
practical knots with little historical snippets thrown in.
There is also a sequel dealing with decorative knots.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots and Ropework
- Geoffrey Budworth
ISBN 1-55267-986-1 (in Canada)
ISBN 1859679110
Illustrated with photos of the process and photos of the
results, this book is a collection of common practical knots
with little historical snippets thrown in.
Not as complete as either Ashley or Graumont & Hensel, but with a lot of new
knots (developed in the last 2-3 decades, some for use with
synthetic materials).
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
The Morrow Guide to Knots
- by Mario Bigon and Guido Regazzoni
Translated from the Italian by Maria Piotrowska
Published by William Morrow and Company, Inc
105 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, 10016
USA, 1982
ISBN 0-688-01226-4 (pbk)
ISBN 0-688-01225-6
The official subtitle is "for sailing, fishing, camping,
climbing" but it also has a small section for decorative knots
and is nicely illustrated with photos of color coded rope.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
This is The Colour Book of Knots 2e
- Floris Hin
Published by Adlard Coles Nautical
35 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4JH
Switzerland, 1991
ISBN 0-7136-3391-3
An interesting book with big bright colour coded examples such
that the knots are easy to see and duplication fairly simple.
Buy this book from
- Chapman's Nautical Guides: Knots
- by Brion Toss, illustrations by Gae Pilon
Published by William Morrow and Company, Inc
105 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, 10016
USA, 1990
ISBN 0-688-09415-5
A nicely illustrated book with a very clearly defined scope.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Ropework
- John J. Hensel and Raoul Graumont
Like Ashley, this is a massive
cataloguing of knots, and also like Ashley it is light on the
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble,,,
of Science and Knots - Series
on Knots and Everything Volume 11
- JC Turner and P van de Griend, editors
Combining real knot tying, knot theory and history, this is an
interesting collection of essays including the "History of
Chinese Knotting" by Lydia Chen.
Buy this book from
Barnes & Noble, (paperback), (hardcover), (paperback), (hardcover),
from the publisher (World Scientific Publishing
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Last Modified: Tuesday, 01-Jun-2010 07:40:44 UTC
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