Chinese Knotting Glossary of Terms
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- double
- a double knot is "twice" as big as the basic knot
in a family of knots.
- doubled
- doubled knot has it's structure traced by two
parallel cords instead of the usual one, although the parallel
cord need not be a separate and distinct cord.
- ear
- a loop of string on the knot that is not a structural
part of the knot. Ears may be replaced with other knots.
- family
- a family of knots is a knot grouping that I feel belong
together. I am the final arbiter on my website, but feel free
to argue with me. 8)
- inline
- a knot with only one incoming end and one outgoing end.
- knot vector
- while there is probably a formal mathematical knot theory
use for the term, I use it to describe a logical progression
of knots that I have tied in a single column of knots, usually
used to illustrate the main knot image on a page.
- loose end ear
- a knot tied in isolation will have all it's ears but one composed of continuous loops of
cord, but where the working ends leave the knot there will be
an "ear" composed of 2 separate cords. When tying knots in
sequence or aggregate there will usually be at least 2 loose
end ears on a knot where the path of the cords enter and leave
the knot.
- sinnet
- a braid or chain of knots (usually the same knot) that
forms a narrow band or cord.
- spacer
- a term from beading: a spacer is usually a smaller or
simpler and often cheaper bead used between the larger,
glitzier design elements to give visual breathing space to the
- triple
- a triple knot is "three times" as big as the basic
knot in a family of knots
- tripled
- a tripled knot has it's structure traced by three
parallel cords instead of the usual one (see doubled).
- working length
- a knot may only take a small amount of cord when it is
tied, but almost definately requires more during the tying
process. Laying out loops and leaving space where the cord
ends will interlace, extra length to distinguish ears and
loops, extra length to make sure you don't lose your ends,
etc, etc. all mean more cord than just what the knot will
consume when it is tied and tightened. In general cases this
is not a problem, but if you are, say, using hand-braided
cord, or only have a little of that particular colour/special
cord left, then you may have to splice on some other cord to
add working length, or make the knot(s) in some similar sized
cord, then very carefully thread your special cord through the
completed knot to save on working length.
Creation Date: Sun Jul 2 01:16:46 PDT 2000
Last Modified:Thursday, 01-May-2003 23:33:07 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Tuesday, 25-Mar-2025 18:02:47 UTC