Chinese Knotting: The Chinese Double Button Knot
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step 1:
lace the cord through your fingers with your palm facing up
the midpoint of the knot wil be under your fingers at the back of
your hand.
step 2:
fold each end of the cord over your fingers
the direction is unimportant as long as you are consistent
in this case, the chosen direction is counter-clockwise.

step 3:
coil each end in a spiral fashion, 360°

step 4:
lace each end under the opposite standing part where they curve
over your fingers

step 5:
follow the path of the spiral until the the vertical axis defined
by the standing parts where they curve under your fingers
weave under that portion of the cord

each end should again travel in a semi-circle, passing the loop
around your fingers, then be tucked under the knot through to the
diamond in the centre
once the ends have been pulled through, you are done with the
first stage of tying
you now have a disk of material resting on your hand
pull on the ends and the loop around your fingers while pushing
the edges of the disk towards your hand.
Finished Double Button
at this point, it is safe to simply pull firmly on the middle loop
and the ends
great big extra loops of material are likely projecting from your
starting from the middle loop, follow the path of the cord in each
direction and remove the slack from the knot
Creation Date: Wed Jun 19 00:05:21 PDT 2002
Last Modified: Wednesday, 19-Jun-2002 07:55:28 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Friday, 07-Feb-2025 10:17:44 UTC