Chinese Knotting: The Treasure Knot
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I came by the instructions for this particular family of knots
from a single book, which is why I have
classified them all together, despite there being what seems to be
2 distinct knot groups here. I may at some future date split this
page, but until then... Only Ashley's #2463 bears any resemblance
to any of this family of knots, so I have named the first one
bao (a romanization of the Chinese name of the book in
which I first found the instructions), the second type I am having
great difficulting in executing (the instructions are quite
sparse), but may end up being the treasure knot by
default). In any case, it should be named by the time the
instructions are completed.
The construction of the double bao knot is symmetrical in
nature, so you will only be able to make knots with an even
number of ears.
The Treasure Knot (寶, bǎo, 宝):
Double Bao (2), Triple Bao (3), Quadruple Bao (4), etc.
Ashley's: #2463 (Two part Quadruple
Bao, Bao4x2)
Bao 2x:
- be very clear on which loops are part of the
central structure of the knot and which loops are
ears as you are tightening the knot. With
the bao knot it is very easy to get confused and it's just a
few tugs from finished construction to irretrievable mess,
although, it is actually easier to distinguish ears from knot
loops the larger (more ears) the knot.
The 2x4 bao is the smallest of the double bao knots. See the detailed instructions for construction
As previously mentioned, the construction method is symmetrical,
so there are no odd numbered bao knots. The next larger bao knot
after 2x4 is the 2x6 bao.

Tie the 2x4 bao knot, then tie the 2x6 bao knot. The
pattern for making as large a double bao knot as desired
(even as large as 12, 14 or more) should become clear.
Creation Date: Mon Sep 21 12:06:36 PDT 1998
Last Modified: Monday, 10-May-2010 21:39:24 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Tuesday, 25-Mar-2025 17:45:41 UTC