Another lonely knot with no family to speak of. There's very little area to expand, vary, or elaborate this particular knot. It is the beginning of a 4 strand crown sinnet tied in one cord... Considered in that light, there are possibilites for variation, let me mull...
The Chinese and Japanese versions of the name for this knot are based on the shape, so 十 is the shape, although the character means "ten" (shí). On Ruri-Ishikawa's page, it talks about the 十字面 (ten, じゅ う, juu) character(word) side, and the 口字面 (mouth, くち, kuchi) character side, which ends up giving us the 叶 結び (leaf, かのう, kanoo) knot... But it's all based on using the pictographic qualities of the ideograms in a more graphical context. So a better translation of the Japanese would probably be "cross-square knot". Note that I've seen 叶 rendered as "kanou" so your romanization may vary.
Again, I'm drawing a blank on a Korean version. At least from my online sources. I will have to do a survey of my books but I'm not optimistic.
Creation Date: Fri Jun 4 13:03:59 PDT 2010
Last Modified: Sunday, 20-Jun-2010 00:20:36 UTC
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