Chinese Knotting: The Connection Knot
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Often used as a spacer or to
"finish" a loose end ear, the
Double Connection Knot is one of the most frequently used
decorative knots.
The Double Connection Knot of Chinese Knotting is the
same as the sailors' two strand full (or double) Matthew
Walker. Matthew Walker knots are often tied with 3 or more
strands, but a full knot is still a double knot
regardless of how many strands are involved. Similarly, a
single knot is a full knot minus one
set of tucks, however many strands are being used.
Since the Matthew
Walker name is strongly associated with rope knots and
since I want to classify the rotated side and
cross variations in this grouping, I am going with
connection as the base name of this knot family.
Chen 1: Double Connection Knot (2)
Ashley: #2421 Two Strand Matthew
Walker, True Lover's Knot
Hensel & Graumont: Ladder Hitched
Knot (2s)
Hensel & Graumont: Interlocking
Running Overhand Knot (2c)
Note: it is much easier to tie this knot inverted
with your fingers over the crossed cords at the bottom, but the
instructions are presented this way for
When you want to end a piece at a clasp with a Double Connection
Knot on the stem of the button or loop,
it is useful to know how the Double Connection
Knot can be tied with one working end
As you progress from the single
connection to the 4 connection, the pattern of how to make a
knot as large as one has the patience for should become clear.
Creation Date: Fri Aug 8 02:34:02 PDT 2002
Last Modified: Sunday, 20-Jun-2010 00:42:24 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Monday, 10-Mar-2025 03:38:18 UTC